After reading the information below, if you would like an initial nonbinding contact with us, you might like to use our contact form on this website.


You want to / Your client wants to

optimise your / his tax situation

in Germany

You are a

Foreign Entrepreneur

Tax Optimisation:

After a successful set-up or expansion, we can assist you on your way to tax optimise your chosen legal structure. Notably, the reduction of tax quotas, the allocation and assignment of group-internal services or deliveries and the fulfilment of tax compliance guidelines require more and more attention. In collaboration with our foreign network partners, we can offer you the following services in this context:

  • with regard to group-internal cross-border transactions, we can support you in determining your group internal Transfer Prices from a tax perspective, including Value Added Taxes (VAT) and Accounting
  • adaptation, testing and optimising the implemented Transfer Pricing System, including Transfer Pricing Documentation (Master and Local File)
  • design of internationally aligned Transfer Pricing Models tailored to your company
  • determination of adequate spreads for licences and interest rates
  • initiation of Mutual Agreement Proceedings, (European) Arbitration Proceedings and Advanced Pricing Agreements
  • expert's and second opinions
  • VAT check with regard to group internal and group external cross-border business transactions
  • check of proper invoicing and declaration, especially with regard to (retroactive) Transfer Pricing Adjustments

After a successful set-up/expansion/restructuring/tax optimisation of your German business activity we can additionally advise on the following matters:

  • analysis, planning and documentation of group-internal transactions
  • fulfilment of ongoing tax obligations (accounting, balancing, tax declaration)
  • ongoing tax planning

If you meet with objections during tax audits, we can offer you the following services:

  • tax audits defence
  • execution of appeals against Tax Office or Fiscal Court decisions

Foreign Professional Service Provider / Colleague

Tax Optimisation:

After a successful set-up or expansion we can assist you on your way to optimise your chosen legal structure. Notably, the reduction of tax quotas, the allocation and assignment of group-internal services or deliveries and the fulfilment of tax compliance guidelines require more and more attention. In collaboration with our foreign network-partners, we can offer you the following services in this context:

  • with regard to group-internal cross-border transactions we can support you in determining your group internal Transfer Prices from a tax perspective, including Value Added Taxes (VAT) and Accounting
  • adaptation, testing and optimising the implemented Transfer Pricing System, including Transfer Pricing Documentation (Master and Local file)
  • design of internationally aligned Transfer Pricing Models tailored to your company
  • identification of adequate spreads for licences and interest rates
  • initiation of Mutual Agreement Proceedings, (European) Arbitration Proceedings and Advanced Pricing Agreements
  • expert's and second opinions
  • VAT check with regard to group internal and group external cross-border business transactions
  • check of proper invoicing and declaration especially with regard to (retroactive) Transfer Pricing Adjustments

After a successful set-up/expansion/restructuring/tax optimisation of your German business activity we can additionally offer you advice on the following matters:

  • analysis, planning and documentation of group-internal transactions
  • fulfilment of ongoing tax obligations (accounting, balancing, tax declaration)
  • ongoing tax planning

In  the case of claims during tax audits we can offer you the following services:

  • tax audits defence
  • execution of appeals against Tax Office or Fiscal Court decisions

You are a

German Entrepreneur

Tax Optimisation:

After a successful set-up or expansion we can accompany you on your way to optimise your chosen legal structure. Notably, the reduction of tax quotas, the allocation and assignment of group-internal services or deliveries and the fulfilment of tax compliance guidelines require more and more attention. In close collaboration with our foreign network partners, we can offer you the following services in this context:

  • with regard to group-internal cross-border transactions we can support you in determining group internal Transfer Prices from a tax perspective, including Value Added Taxes (VAT) and Accounting
  • adaptation, testing and optimising the implemented Transfer Pricing System, including Transfer Pricing Documentation (Master and Local file)
  • design of internationally aligned Transfer Pricing Models tailored to your company
  • identification of adequate spreads for licences and interest rates
  • initiation of Mutual Agreement Proceedings, (European) Arbitration Proceedings and Advanced Pricing Agreements
  • expert's and second opinions
  • VAT check with regard to group internal and group external cross-border business transactions
  • check of proper invoicing and declaration, especially with regard to (retroactive) Transfer Price Adjustments

After a successful set-up/expansion/restructuring/tax optimisation of your business activity we can additionally advise you on the following matters:

  • analysis, planning and documentation of group-internal transactions
  • fulfilment of ongoing tax obligations (accounting, balancing, tax declaration)
  • ongoing tax planning

If there are any claims during tax audits we can offer you the following services:

  • tax audits defence
  • execution of appeals against Tax Office or Fiscal Court decisions

German Professional Service Provider / Colleague

Tax Optimisation:

After a successful set-up or expansion we can accompany your client on their way to optimise the chosen legal structure. Particularly the reduction of tax quotas, the selection of group-internal services or deliveries and the fulfilment of tax compliance guidelines require more and more attention. In collaboration with our foreign network-partners, we can offer your client the following services in this context:

  • with regard to group-internal cross-border transactions we can support your client in determining group internal Transfer Prices from a tax perspective, including Value Added Taxes (VAT) and Accounting
  • adaptation, testing and optimising the implemented Transfer Pricing System, including Transfer Pricing Documentation (Master and Local file)
  • design of internationally aligned Transfer Pricing Models tailored to your client’s company
  • identification of adequate spreads for licences and interest rates
  • initiation of Mutual Agreement Proceedings, (European) Arbitration Proceedings and Advanced Pricing Agreements
  • expert's and second opinions
  • VAT check with regard to group internal and group external cross-border business transactions
  • check of proper invoicing and declaration especially with regard to (retroactive) Transfer Price Adjustments
  • check of Withholding Tax reductions or exemptions for dividends, licence and interest payments, if necessary by optimising the holding structure
  • check if Permanent Establishments are set up, and clarifying legal qualification conflicts with foreign consultants
  • development of an aligned profit split system for Permanent Establishments according to the German Tax Authorities Administrative Guidelines, including support for the preparation of all necessary documentation in this context

After a successful set-up/expansion/restructuring/tax optimisation of your client’s business activity we can additionally offer your client advice on the following matters:

  • analysis, planning and documentation of group-internal transactions
  • fulfilment of ongoing tax obligations (accounting, balancing, tax declaration)
  • ongoing tax planning

In the case of claims during tax audits we can offer you the following services:

  • (support in) tax audits defence
  • execution of appeals against Tax Office or Fiscal Court decisions

We are looking forward to a first nonbinding contact. For this, you might use our contact form on this website.